This wiki is about the iOS and Android game Knights and Dragons developed by Gree -- but now developed and maintained by DecaGames -- that anyone can edit. Knights and Dragons was originally released on iOS in December of 2012 and ported to Android a few months later.We currently have 353,661 edits to over 2,438 articles, and have 10,872 files. |
We are currently housing 2,438 articles, and we need your help in expanding and adding articles to the wiki! If you can add or expand articles relating to the following, we would appreciate it!
- Tournaments pages
- Epic Bosses pages
- Armor pages
- Information on gameplay
- And anything else!
Useful Resources
Here are some links that can be useful and helpful to Knights and Dragons players and wiki users:
Wiki Links
- Armor Stats Calculation -- A page that breaks down the proper methodology for calculating the full stats for your knights when factoring in Armor, Ring/Amulet Set and Set Bonus along with Rank Bonus and Element Bonuses.
- Knights and Dragons Wiki Rules and Policies -- A page that outlines all the rules and policies of Knights and Dragons Wiki
- Knights and Dragons Wiki Forums -- Forums for game, wiki, and general gameplay discussions
Official Links
- Knights and Dragons Forums -- Official Knights and Dragons forums
- Knights and Dragons Facebook -- Official Knights and Dragons Facebook page
- Knights and Dragons Tumblr page -- Official Knights and Dragons Tumblr page
- Knights and Dragons Sub-Reddit Discord -- Unofficial Knights and Dragons Discord
- Knights and Dragons Official Reddit -- Official Knights and Dragons Reddit (public)
Other Resources
- There is a Knights and Dragons bot for the LINE messaging app. Its LINE ID is: @geu1867z -- see also Knights and Dragons help bot
Bureaucrats | Administrators | Rollbacks | Chat Moderators |
Please contact the appropriate user via Message Walls about any questions or concerns you have, primarily in-game related. Please note that the list only includes the active staff members on the wiki. For full list of staff members, you can visit this page. |
Affiliated Wikis
The information available on this wiki is considered Fair Use under US Copyright Law, intended for informational purposes only.