Knights and Dragons Wiki

This wiki is about the iOS and Android game Knights and Dragons developed by Gree -- but now developed and maintained by DecaGames -- that anyone can edit. Knights and Dragons was originally released on iOS in December of 2012 and ported to Android a few months later.

We currently have 353,663 edits to over 2,438 articles, and have 10,872 files.

Fusion Armors
Epic Bosses
World Map

We are currently housing 2,438 articles, and we need your help in expanding and adding articles to the wiki! If you can add or expand articles relating to the following, we would appreciate it!

You can use the box below to start a new article that relates to Knights and Dragons.
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Useful Resources
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Here are some links that can be useful and helpful to Knights and Dragons players and wiki users:

Wiki Links

Official Links

Other Resources

Bureaucrats Administrators Rollbacks Chat Moderators





Please contact the appropriate user via Message Walls about any questions or concerns you have, primarily in-game related. Please note that the list only includes the active staff members on the wiki. For full list of staff members, you can visit this page.

Affiliated Wikis
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Monster Paradise Wiki Monster Warlord Wiki Transformers Legends Wiki

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In order to keep Knights and Dragons Wiki tidy and free of spam, please do not post friend codes or guild advertisements of any kind in the comment sections, or make pages for specific players or guilds. You are only allowed to do so on the Share:Friend Code, Share:Guild and your User Profile. Please note that all forms of account trading, buying, gifting or selling will not be tolerated.

Failure to comply will result in administrative action, including being blocked.

Knights and Dragons Wiki is not associated in any official way with GREE, DecaGames, IUGO, its subsidiaries, or its affiliates.
The information available on this wiki is considered Fair Use under US Copyright Law, intended for informational purposes only.